Articles Written
- January: Parsing Obnoxious Text Files, Part 2 (PDF), FoxRockX
- May: Parsing Obnoxious Text Files, Part 1 (PDF), FoxRockX
- March: "We Want To Go To SQL" (PDF), FoxRockX
- January: Automating the Filling In Of A PDF - Reprise, Part 2 (PDF), FoxRockX
- November: Automating the Filling In Of A PDF - Reprise, Part 1 (PDF), FoxRockX
- November: Anonymizing Your Data (PDF), FoxRockX
- September: Lessons From A VFP Conversion Gone Bad - II (PDF), FoxRockX
- July: Lessons From A VFP Conversion Gone Bad - I (PDF), FoxRockX
- May: What's in That Data Set? (PDF), FoxRockX
- March: Integrating Visual FoxPro and MailChimp – Part 5/2 (PDF), FoxRockX
- March: How Big Is That System? (PDF), FoxRockX
- January: The FoxRockX Portal (PDF), FoxRockX
- January: Integrating Visual FoxPro and MailChimp – Part 5/1 (PDF), FoxRockX
- November: Integrating Visual FoxPro and MailChimp - Part 4 (PDF), FoxRockX
- September: Integrating Visual FoxPro and MailChimp - Part 3 (PDF), FoxRockX
- July: Integrating Word's Spellcheck with Your VFP Application (PDF), FoxRockX
- July: Integrating Visual FoxPro and MailChimp - Part 2 (PDF), FoxRockX
- May: Integrating Visual FoxPro and MailChimp - Part 1 (PDF), FoxRockX
- March: Data Munging with Python, Part 3 – Writing to Files (PDF), FoxRockX
- March: Data Munging with Python, Part 2/2 – Handling Files (PDF), FoxRockX
- January: Data Munging with Python, Part 2/1 – Handling Files (PDF), FoxRockX
- November: Data Munging with Python (PDF), FoxRockX
- November: A Bevy of Timers (PDF), FoxRockX
- July: Case Study: Using SQLite to break the 2GB Barrier (PDF), FoxRockX
- May: Setting up VFP 9 (PDF), FoxRockX
- March: The Business Case for Moving *Some* Applications to VFP in 2013, Part 2 (PDF), FoxRockX
- January: The Business Case for Moving *Some* Applications to VFP in 2013, Part 1 (PDF), FoxRockX
- January: Another Boring Article About Regular Expressions (PDF), FoxRockX
- November: Vive La Difference – How SQLite varies from VFP SQL (PDF), FoxRockX
- September: Intro 2012/09:The Business Case for Upgrading Apps to Visual FoxPro in 2013 (PDF), FoxRockX
- July: Inserting Large Amounts of Data into SQLite (PDF), FoxRockX
- May: SQLite Connection: Error Handling and Verification (PDF), FoxRockX
- March: Getting Started with Client-Server with SQLite (PDF), FoxRockX
- February: Synchronizing Your Palm Treo with Google Calendar (PDF), HW WP
- December: Reconfiguring the MBR for Multiple Installations (PDF), HW WP
- November: Linux Graphical Disk Space Tools (PDF), HW WP
- August: SSH: Using and Securing (PDF), HW WP
- February: Dual Boot with Fedora Core 6 and Windows XP (PDF), HW WP
- December: Setting Up a Software Developer's Workstation on Fedora Core 6 (PDF), HW WP
- November: Root, SU and SUDO (PDF), HW WP
- November: DNS Explained (PDF), HW WP
- November: Managing Linux Services with chkconfig (PDF), HW WP
- October: Resetting the Root Password in Linux (PDF), HW WP
- October: When X Dies: How to Kill and Restart X Windows (PDF), HW WP
- August: SuSE 10.1 Setup (PDF), HW WP
- May: Installing Fedora Core 5 (PDF), HW WP
- January: Remote Access Via SSH (PDF), HW WP
- December: Fedora Core 3 Installation & Customization (PDF), HW WP
- August: Installing MySQL via RPMs (PDF), HW WP
- August: The Ten Minute Guide to Setting Up a Linux File Server (PDF), HW WP
- July: The Ten Minute Guide to Setting Up a Linux Web Server (PDF), HW WP
- July: Setting Up Virtual Hosts in Apache (A Tutorial for Windows Web Admins) (PDF), HW WP
- July: From GUI to Text: A Windows User's Guide to Using Linux w/o a GUI (PDF), HW WP
- June: Cron Explained (PDF), HW WP
- May: The Top Ten Command Windows Tips (PDF), HW WP
- April: Linux Network Printing with JetDirect (PDF), HW WP
- March: Updating Fedora Core (PDF), HW WP
- January: Installing Multiple Linux Distributions on a Single Box (PDF), HW WP
- January: Installing Fedora Core 1 (PDF), HW WP
- January: Capturing Screenshots on Linux (PDF), HW WP
- December: A Pragmatic Approach to Linux Partitions (PDF), HW WP
- December: Installing True Type Fonts on a Linux Computer (PDF), HW WP
- December: Accessing Shares on a Windows Computer from a Linux Workstation (PDF), HW WP
- October: Get involved. Or get dead. (PDF), FoxTalk
- September: Linux Installfest FAQ (PDF), HW WP
- September: The Great Linux EULA Controversy (PDF), FoxTalk
- April: All I know about CBP I learned in San Diego ^H^H^H^H^H^H Berkely (PDF), FoxTalk
- January: What do you get when you cross a Fox with a Penguin? (PDF), FoxTalk
- September: Parsing Bad Email Addresses (PDF), FoxTalk
- August: REMOVing Email Addresses (PDF), FoxTalk
- July: Publishing Your First Web Service – Part III (PDF), FoxTalk
- March: Publishing Your First Web Service – Part II (PDF), FoxTalk
- February: Publishing Your First Web Service (PDF), FoxTalk
- January: Why Do Error Messages Suck (PDF), FoxTalk
- December: How to Mess Up a User Group (PDF), FoxTalk
- December: Instant Karma (PDF), FoxTalk
- October: The Geeky Things We Do (PDF), FoxTalk
- September: Whither Our Fox – Part 3 (PDF), FoxTalk
- August: Where is My Data? (PDF), FoxTalk
- August: Ken Levy becomes New VFP Product Manager; Green kicked upstairs (PDF), FoxTalk
- July: The Power to Change People’s Lives (PDF), FoxTalk
- June: Twenty Years… And Counting (PDF), FoxTalk
- May: Whither… Reprise (PDF), FoxTalk
- May: All I learned In San Diego I can’t fit into one message but... No PDF, CBP
- April: What’s Really New in VFP 7.0 (PDF), FoxTalk
- March: Whither Our Fox – Part II (PDF), FoxTalk
- January: Still Using DBFs? Get Real. (PDF), FoxTalk
- January: Your First Database Web Application – Part III (PDF), FoxTalk
- December: The Pacifier Effect (PDF), FoxTalk
- December: Your First Database Web Application – Part II (PDF), FoxTalk
- November: Unforgiven (PDF), FoxTalk
- October: VFP Data on Your Handheld: Building a VFP App (PDF), FoxTalk
- October: Are the Days of the Independent Developer Over? (PDF), FoxTalk
- September: VFP Data on Your Handheld: The SatForms IDE (PDF), FoxTalk
- August: The Computer Says We Have 7 Copies (PDF), FoxTalk
- August: Architecture du Jour, Sir? (PDF), FoxTalk
- July: VFP Data on Your Handheld: An Introduction to SatForms (PDF), FoxTalk
- July: Snappy Comebacks to Stupid Questions (PDF), FoxTalk
- June: VFP Data on Your Handheld (Reprise) (PDF), FoxTalk
- May: We Built this Project with a Debugging Scaffold (PDF), FoxTalk
- May: Beyond Visual Compare: Beyond Compare (PDF), FoxTalk
- April: VFP Community to get First Shot at New Microsoft Certification Ex (PDF), FoxTalk
- April: A New Spin on Thermometer Bars (PDF), FoxTalk
- March: Who’s Going to DevCon? (PDF), FoxTalk
- March: Cool Tool: Drill Down into Your Objects (PDF), FoxTalk
- February: Cool (Blue) Tool (PDF), FoxTalk
- January: VFP Data on Your Palm Pilot (PDF), FoxTalk
- January: What If We Slice The Bread Before We Sell It? (PDF), FoxTalk
- December: Microsoft to Online Volunteers:We Don’t Need You Anymore (PDF), FoxTalk
- November: The Top Five Reasons to Take the Beta VFP 6.0 Certification Exam (PDF), FoxTalk
- November: The Great Application Framework Shootout (PDF), FoxTalk
- October: The Blair Witch House Server (PDF), FoxTalk
- September: Patience! (PDF), FoxTalk
- August: A Sneak Preview at VFP 7.0 (PDF), FoxTalk
- July: Code Rage (PDF), FoxTalk
- July: VB Data Data Everywhere (PDF), FoxTalk
- June: Time to Come Clean (PDF), FoxTalk
- May: VB Creating the User Interface: VB Forms and Controls (PDF), FoxTalk
- May: Certification: Should you care? (PDF), FoxTalk
- April: VB A Command and Function Summary - Part II (PDF), FoxTalk
- April: The Dismantling of Microsoft (PDF), FoxTalk
- March: Your First Database Web Application (PDF), FoxTalk
- February: VB The Basics of Writing Code (PDF), FoxTalk
- January: Visual Basic for Dataheads: (PDF), FoxTalk
- December: Bug Fixes Available at (PDF), FoxTalk
- November: Auditing an Existing Application (PDF), FoxTalk
- October: A Little Too Much LSD (PDF), FoxTalk
- September: Cool Tool: Goofing Around With Your GIFs (PDF), FoxTalk
- July: Web Stats-A-Go-Go (PDF), FoxTalk
- July: Travails with NT (PDF), FoxTalk
- June: Enter Sandman (PDF), FoxTalk
- May: Cool Tool: Clean Off Your Monitor with StickyNotes (PDF), FoxTalk
- April: The Top Ten Tahoe Enhancement Requests (PDF), FoxTalk
- April: Cool Tool Playing with Your Win95 Interface (PDF), FoxTalk
- March: Let Me Through! I’m a Computer Scientist! (PDF), FoxTalk
- February: How To Charge $500/Hour – Part II (PDF), FoxTalk
- February: Cool Tools Found under the Tree (PDF), FoxTalk
- January: Oh, The Hoops You'll Jump Through! (PDF), FoxTalk
- December: We’re a Scary Bunch (PDF), FoxTalk
- December: Tahoe: The Next Generation (PDF), FoxTalk
- November: The Starving Artist Club (PDF), FoxTalk
- November: A Little Light Reading (PDF), FoxTalk
- October: Throwing It Over The Wall (PDF), FoxTalk
- September: A Modest Proposal—The Sequel (PDF), FoxTalk
- August: The School of Recalcitrant Users (PDF), FoxTalk
- July: Using DBCx to Data-Drive Your Applications (PDF), FoxTalk
- July: Time to Test: The Search for an Operations Manager (PDF), FoxTalk
- June: Last Man Standing: Our Dirty Little Secret (PDF), FoxTalk
- May: I’m Afraid We’ll Have to Rewrite . . . (PDF), FoxTalk
- April: The Ol’ Internet Head Fake (PDF), FoxTalk
- March: The Developers Are Revolting (PDF), FoxTalk
- February: Mission: Possible (PDF), FoxTalk
- January: A New Year, Old Apps, and My Toenails (PDF), FoxTalk
- December: 2.6 Vs. 3.0 Vs. 5.0: Seize the Fish! (PDF), FoxTalk
- November: It’s Not That Sexy. Well, OK, It Actually Is. (PDF), FoxTalk
- October: What’s a Developer Supposed To Do? (PDF), FoxTalk
- September: Visual FoxPro 5.0: A Sneak Preview (PDF), FoxTalk
- August: Optimizing Your Development Environment (PDF), FoxTalk
- July: A Modest Proposal (PDF), FoxTalk
- June: Is Chicken Little Right This Time? (PDF), FoxTalk
- May: Better Access to Your Runtime Objects (PDF), FoxTalk
- May: Been Thinking "Bout Tom (PDF), FoxTalk
- May: Automate and Enhance Your Reporting with Foxfire! (PDF), FoxTalk
- May: New Versions of FoxPro (PDF), FoxTalk
- March: Right or Left? (PDF), FoxTalk
- March: Read and Write Your Own .INI files Inside FoxPro (PDF), FoxTalk
- February: Colonize Your Editor with XILIGHTS (PDF), FoxTalk
- February: Rockin' with FoxPro (PDF), FoxTalk
- January: Ease Form Design Tasks with SUPERCLASS (PDF), FoxTalk
- December: Using Lookups (PDF), Cobb Dev
- December: First Timer Problems with VFP Form Classes (PDF), Cobb Dev
- December: When You Need Help Creating Help: Help's Angel (PDF), FoxTalk
- November: Lookup Maintenance (PDF), Cobb Dev
- November: The VFP Base Classes (PDF), Cobb Dev
- November: GAPP: A Pre-packaged Toolbar for Visual FoxPro (PDF), FoxTalk
- October: Overloading a Lookup Table (PDF), Cobb Dev
- October: Using the Environment Class (PDF), Cobb Dev
- October: CASE Tools for Visual FoxPro (PDF), FoxTalk
- September: Handling Non Visual Classes (PDF), Cobb Dev
- September: Creating an Environment Handling Class (PDF), Cobb Dev
- September: Modify Huge Tables with MOST (PDF), FoxTalk
- August: Handling Classes (PDF), Cobb Dev
- August: Extend the Visual FoxPro Database Container with EDC (PDF), FoxTalk
- July: Data Driving a Browse - Part 2 (PDF), Cobb Dev
- July: Adding Voice Response Capabilities to Your FoxPro Applications (PDF), FoxPro Adv
- July: Enhance FoxPro 2.6 Radio Buttons and Check Boxes (PDF), FoxTalk
- June: Data Driving a Browse - Part 1 (PDF), Cobb Dev
- June: Include a Two-Column Mover in Your Apps with DUALPICK! (PDF), FoxTalk
- May: Incrementing PKs - Part 3 (PDF), Cobb Dev
- May: Capture Screen Shots with SnagIt (PDF), FoxTalk
- May: Extending the Visual FoxPro Data Dictionary No PDF, FoxTalk
- May: Track and Invoice Your Billable Time with Time Trakker (PDF), FoxTalk
- April: Incrementing PKs - Part 2 (PDF), Cobb Dev
- March: Incrementing PKs - Part 1 (PDF), Cobb Dev
- March: Include BROWSes in Regular READ Windows Painlessly with InBrowse! (PDF), FoxTalk
- February: Switching Between Directories (PDF), Cobb Dev
- February: Table Compare Utility at a Price That Can't Be Beat, A (PDF), FoxTalk
- January: Switching Between Modes (PDF), Cobb Dev
- January: West Wind E-mail: A FoxPro E-mail Tool (PDF), FoxTalk
- December: User Logins - Revisited (PDF), Cobb Dev
- December: ALTVIEW Provides an Alternative to View (PDF), FoxTalk
- November: Considering Password Values (PDF), Cobb Dev
- November: Extend FoxPro's Function Set with TUFL (PDF), FoxTalk
- October: How to Mess Up An User Group (PDF), FoxForum
- October: Encrypting Passwords (PDF), Cobb Dev
- October: KEYMASK: A Quick Way to Suppress the Display of Typed Characters (PDF), FoxTalk
- September: Tracking Users (PDF), Cobb Dev
- September: Ultimate FoxPro Reference, The (PDF), FoxTalk
- September: Build Applications the FoxExpress Way No PDF, FoxTalk
- August: Selective Menu Choices (PDF), Cobb Dev
- August: PTX Editor and Visual Properties (PDF), FoxTalk
- July: User Defined Help (PDF), Cobb Dev
- July: Viewing Wide Browse Fields (PDF), FoxPro Adv
- July: Include FoxPro Command Window in Your Apps: RunFox (PDF), FoxTalk
- June: Data Drive File Opening (PDF), Cobb Dev
- June: Search Memos Faster with QMEMO (PDF), FoxTalk
- May: Commenting Your Code (PDF), Cobb Dev
- May: Developer's Assistant (PDF), FoxTalk
- May: Array Browser (PDF), FoxTalk
- April: Testing Multiuser on a Single Machine (PDF), Cobb Dev
- March: Been Thinking 'Bout Colors (PDF), BCNN
- March: Resetting the Environment (PDF), Cobb Dev
- March: Advice for an Apprentice (PDF), BCNN
- March: GENMENUX (PDF), FoxTalk
- February: Debugging Tips (PDF), Cobb Dev
- February: Four Excellent Macros (PDF), BCNN
- February: Internationalize Your App with the INTL Toolkit (PDF), FoxTalk
- January: Handle Numerical Analysis with MATXTAB (PDF), FoxTalk
- December: Delegate the Testing Process (PDF), FoxPro Adv
- December: Visual Compare (PDF), FoxTalk
- November: Easing the Testing Burden (PDF), FoxPro Adv
- November: Quick Start (PDF), FoxTalk
- October: PopDBF: Portable Access to your Data (PDF), FoxTalk
- September: XCatalog--A Data Dictionary (PDF), FoxTalk
- August: JKey Gives You Incremental Searches (PDF), FoxTalk
- January: Determining The Slack Space on a Drive No PDF, FoxTalk
- June: Printing USPS Bar Codes No PDF, FoxTalk
Papers Presented
- March: Hello World, From Flask (PPT),
(code) Madison Python UG, Madison WI
- January: File and String Handling (PDF), No PPT, Milwaukee Python UG, Milwaukee WI
- September: Wiki-Schmiki No PDF, No PPT, Web-414 Developer Group, Milwaukee WI
- August: Wiki-Schmiki No PDF, No PPT, Chicago FoxPro User/Developer Group, Chicago IL
- April: Wiki-Schmiki No PDF, No PPT, Mil Linux User Group, Milwaukee WI
- November: Linux Graphical Disk Space Tools No PDF, No PPT, BarCamp Milwaukee, Milwaukee WI
- October: VFP and MySQL (PDF), (PPT), SW Fox, Phoenix AZ
- October: So You've Inherited an Application (PDF), (PPT), SW Fox, Phoenix AZ
- September: So You've Inherited an Application (PDF), No PPT, FUDG, Chicago IL
- August: SSH: Using and Securing No PDF, No PPT, Mil Linux User Group, Milwaukee WI
- May: Open Source Case Study (PDF), No PPT, ITEC, Milwaukee WI
- April: Finding Your Niche (PDF), No PPT, Waterside, Los Angeles CA
- December: GL Closing (PDF), No PPT, GLGDW, Milwaukee WI
- November: Visual FoxPro and Linux (PDF), (PPT), dFPUG, Frankfurt Germany
- November: Visual FoxPro and Linux (PDF), (PPT), dFPUG, Frankfurt Germany
- September: Visual FoxPro and Linux Huntington Beach (PDF), (PPT), FUG Tour, Huntington Beach CA
- September: Visual FoxPro and Linux San Diego (PDF), (PPT), FUG Tour, San Diego CA
- September: Visual FoxPro and Linux Valley West (PDF), (PPT), FUG Tour, Orange Cty CA
- September: Visual FoxPro and Linux Los Angeles (PDF), No PPT, LA FUG, Los Angeles CA
- September: VFP and Linux Great Lakes (PDF), No PPT, GLGDW, Milwaukee WI
- June: Visual FoxPro and Linux KC (PDF), (PPT), Essential Fox, Kansas City MO
- June: Visual FoxPro and Linux KC (PDF), (PPT), Essential Fox, Kansas City MO
- May: Visual FoxPro and Linux Chicago (PDF), (PPT), FUG Tour, Chicago IL
- May: Visual FoxPro and Linux Boston (PDF), (PPT), FUG Tour, Boston MA
- May: Visual FoxPro and Linux Dallas (PDF), (PPT), FUG Tour, Dallas TX
- May: Visual FoxPro and Linux Denver (PDF), (PPT), FUG Tour, Denver CO
- May: Visual FoxPro and Linux San Jose (PDF), (PPT), FUG Tour, San Jose CA
- May: Visual FoxPro and Linux San Francisco (PDF), (PPT), FUG Tour, San Francisco CA
- May: Visual FoxPro and Linux Detroit (PDF), (PPT), FUG Tour, Detroit MI
- May: Visual FoxPro and Linux Cleveland (PDF), (PPT), FUG Tour, Cleveland OH
- April: Visual FoxPro and Linux Madison (PDF), (PPT), FUG Tour, Madison WI
- February: Visual FoxPro and Linux Toldeo (PDF), No PPT, FUG Tour, Toledo OH
- November: What You Need to Know about Windows Security (PDF), (PPT), dFPUG, Frankfurt Germany
- November: Automate Email from Visual FoxPro (PDF), (PPT), dFPUG, Frankfurt Germany
- May: User Hostile Interfaces (PDF), No PPT, GLGDW, Milwaukee WI
- May: Getting Started with .NET (PDF), No PPT, FoxTeach, Toronto Canada
- May: Deploy VFP and SQL Server Data on your Handheld (PDF), (PPT), FoxTeach, Toronto Canada
- May: Build Web Applications Efficiently with VFP (PDF), (PPT), FoxTeach, Toronto Canada
- January: Deploy Access and SQL Server Data on your handheld (PDF), No PPT, Chicago Access UG, Chicago IL
- September: Build Web Applications Efficiently with VFP (PDF), (PPT), DevCon, Phoenix AZ
- September: Deploy VFP and SQL Server Data on your Handheld (PDF), (PPT), DevCon, Phoenix AZ
- September: What You Need to Know about Windows Security (PDF), (PPT), DevCon, Phoenix AZ
- July: Deploy VFP and SQL Server Data on your Handheld (PDF), No PPT, KC UG, Kansas City MO
- September: Rethinking the User Interface No PDF, No PPT, DevCon, Palm Desert CA
- September: Visual Basic for Fox Developers No PDF, No PPT, DevCon, Palm Desert CA
- May: Visual Basic for Fox Developers (PDF), No PPT, CTTM, Netherlands
- May: Managing the Application Development Process (PDF), No PPT, CTTM, Netherlands
- May: Deploy VFP and SQL Server Data on your Handheld (PDF), No PPT, KC UG, Kansas City MO
- May: User Interfaces for the '00s (PDF), No PPT, KC UG, Kansas City MO
- May: Cool User Interfaces (PDF), No PPT, KC UG, Kansas City MO
- May: Visual Basic for Fox Developers (PDF), No PPT, CTTM, Netherlands
- May: Rethinking the User Interface (PDF), No PPT, CTTM, Netherlands
- April: SQL Server 7.0 as a back-end to a VFP front-end No PDF, No PPT, FoxTeach, Toronto Canada
- April: Visual Basic for VFP Developers (PDF), No PPT, FoxTeach, Toronto Canada
- April: Your First Web-based Database (VFP) Application (PDF), No PPT, FoxTeach, Toronto Canada
- September: Visual InterDev and Visual FoxPro (PDF), (PPT), DevCon, Miami OH
- September: Creating Applications with Internet Information Server and Visual FoxPro (PDF), (PPT), DevCon, Miami OH
- November: Managing the Application Development Process (PDF), (PPT), dFPUG, Frankfurt Germany
- November: Sizing and Costing of Custom Database Software (PDF), (PPT), dFPUG, Frankfurt Germany
- November: Quality Assurance for Custom Database Applications (PDF), (PPT), dFPUG, Frankfurt Germany
- September: Managing the Application Development Process (PDF), (PPT), DevCon, Phoenix AZ
- June: Data-Driving Applications with DBCX (PDF), (PPT), DevCon, Phoenix AZ
- June: Managing the Application Development Process (PDF), (PPT), DevCon, Phoenix AZ
- April: Making Money with Visual FoxExpress (PDF), No PPT, VisualFoxExpress, Las Vegas NV
- April: New Ways of Looking at Parent-Child Relationships - VFP 5.0 Interface Magic No PDF, No PPT, FoxTeach, Toronto Canada
- April: Designing Specifications for Custom VFP Applications (PDF), No PPT, FoxTeach, Toronto Canada
- January: Tables Versus Views (PDF), No PPT, LA Fox, Los Angeles CA
- November: Visual FoxPro and the Internet (PDF), No PPT, Spanish DevCon, Madrid Spain
- April: How Do I Accomplish This? (PDF), No PPT, FoxTeach, Toronto Canada
- May: Designing Specifications for Custom VFP Applications (PDF), No PPT, MidAtlantic, Virginia Beach VA
- May: Extending the Data Dictionary (PDF), No PPT, Mpls FoxUsers, Minneapolis MN
- May: Data Dictionary Implementation (PDF), No PPT, FoxTeach, Toronto Canada
- May: Using the Grid Control (PDF), No PPT, FoxTeach, Toronto Canada
- May: Data Buffering: Beyond Scatter and Gather (PDF), No PPT, FoxTeach, Toronto Canada
- May: Delivering Bug-Free Applications (PDF), No PPT, FoxTeach, Toronto Canada